Anydesk App Use

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Connect to a computer remotely, be it from the other end of the office or halfway around the world. AnyDesk ensures secure and reliable remote desktop connections for IT.

This article gives an overview about the most often used components of AnyDesk during Setup.
Specific topics are linked to the corresponding article for further information.
See also: User_Manual

  • 1Basic Setup
  • 2Pro Setup

Basic Setup

For single users or small companies.

  • FAST - SECURE - FREE for personal use AnyDesk enables remote desktop operations with unparalleled performance. Such as Video/Image editing, administration and teamwork. AnyDesk provides banking-level security using TLS 1.2 encryption and 4096-bit RSA Key Exchange.
  • FAST - SECURE - FREE for personal use AnyDesk enables remote desktop operations with unparalleled performance. Such as Video/Image editing, administration and teamwork. AnyDesk provides.

Mandatory and most often used options on initial setup are:The registration, unattended access as well as the web interface.

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  • Download and Install AnyDesk on your device. Find the Installation Tile in the Main Window.

  • Login to using credentials to be found in your Mailbox.

  • Copy the license key and paste it in AnyDesk to register your client. See Licensing

  • Open the Main Menu and click Change license Key... then paste the key in the Settings.
  • AnyDesk will immediately show your new license.

  • Create an Alias for your client. See: AnyDesk_ID_and_Alias

Setup unattended access


To make your device available from remote, enable the unattended access. See Unattended Access

  • Click Set password for unattended access... in the Main Window


  • Open Settings
  • Switch to Security
  • Unlock Security Settings

  • Enter unattended password
  • Choose whether saving the password is allowed.

The web interface provides an account to manage the license, registered clients and session history.
With the included custom client generator, create an individual AnyDesk for your specific purpose. See MyAnyDesk_Portal

  • Set/change Aliases
Switch to the Clients tab and choose a client by ID to set the Alias.
  • Reset the license key to keep unwanted users from registering
Open the License tab and click Reset. All present clients stay registered.
  • View/terminate active sessions
Switch to the Sessions tab and click End (all the sessions will be sorted by the end time). Active sessions will display (running).
  • Remove clients
Switch to the Clients tab, choose client by ID and click remove.
The client will lose the license and switch to free-license.

Address Book

See: Address Book

  • Add users
Open the Address Book in the upper right corner of the Main Window.
Choose an Address Book, click Add Entry
  • Set tags to filter contacts
Select a contact, right-click and choose manage tag in the context menu.
Add tags or drag from the available list.
  • Drag'n drop contacts from Discovery/Recent Sessions/Favorites/another Address Book to Address Book.
Open two Main Windows and put them side by side.
Prepare the Target Window by selecting the Address Book of your choice.
Select contacts in the initial Window, drag n' drop them.
  • Add a tag to multiple contacts

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Pro Setup

This setup describes options on top of the basic setup for small business/pro-users,
using multiple sessions and custom clients.

Setup custom client

See: Customize AnyDesk

  • preset password for the client
apply a password in the custom client to make clients available for unattended access.
  • upload a custom/company logo
  • disabling options. See Custom_Client_Advanced_Options
  • Request elevation at startup
In order to run AnyDesk in Administrator context at startup,
  • Disable TCP listen port
Avoid a firewall warning on systems without Administrator rights.


Anydesk App Uses In Hindi

Provides the interface to integrate AnyDesk with CRM or ERP systems.
The dominant use case is to automate the internal billing process via session data.
All functions on are also available with the REST-API.


  • ISO/Rollout of AnyDesk. See ISO
Deploy AnyDesk via GPO or Batch script. AnyDesk also provides a Command Line Interface.
See Automatic_Deployment and Command_Line_Interface

Custom client options for internal deployment

Anydesk App Uses

These options are meant for custom clients used within the company internal.
Find options for the custom client in the custom client generator. See Customize AnyDesk

  • Assign to license
The license assigned to the client to automate the step of applying the license.
  • Auto add to address book
When assign to license is active, auto add to Address Book is available.

Anydesk App Usage

The client ID is automatically registered to a given Address Book.

What Is Anydesk App Used For

  • Auto-register Alias

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Automatically register the hostname as Alias instead of typing it manually.

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  • Disable direct connection

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Disable TCP-HolePunch Connections if necessary due to firewall issues.